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Primary indicators of whiplash following a car accident

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2023 | Car Accidents |

Auto accidents lead to various injuries. One of the most common is whiplash. Identifying the symptoms is necessary for early intervention and effective treatment.

Anyone who is in a wreck should remember that the signs of whiplash might not appear right away. Hints of trouble can develop hours or even days later.

Neck pain and stiffness

One recognizable indicator of whiplash is neck trouble. Physical distress can occur due to the rapid back-and-forth movement of the head during a collision, which puts extreme strain on neck muscles and ligaments.

Constant headaches

Frequent headaches may also be a warning. The abrupt force exerted on the neck sometimes triggers a series of migraines. If they persist, whiplash might be the reason.

Dizziness and vertigo

An uncomfortable spinning sensation can be more evidence of whiplash. The sudden and forceful movement from a collision may affect the inner ear, subsequently leading to balance issues. Seek medical attention if your equilibrium seems out of alignment.

Shoulder and upper back pain

Whiplash injuries often affect the upper back and shoulders. Vehicular impacts can strain the muscles and ligaments in these areas, thus causing discomfort.

Tingling or numbness

Whiplash may lead to a prickling sensation in the arms and hands. This sometimes happens when the abrupt motion during a car accident harms the nerves in the neck.

Difficulty concentrating

Cognitive symptoms, such as trouble focusing or memory loss, can be indicators of whiplash. A collision with enough force may affect the brain’s ability to function, leading to these and other problems, including depression. According to a study by the Mayo Clinic, 25% of patients suffering from whiplash end up with post-traumatic stress disorder.

The evidence of whiplash following a car crash may not be obvious. Individuals who recognize the clues have the opportunity to take proactive steps that speed their recovery and prevent lasting complications.