As the most populated state in America, California sees a significant number of pedestrian traffic fatalities. Recent data from the Governor’s Highway Safety Association reveals a concerning trend. In 2022, California recorded 504 pedestrian deaths due to...
Auto-Pedestrian Accidents
How can pedestrians avoid accidents?
Walking is a great form of exercise, but it can be risky in certain situations. Pedestrian accidents can cause serious injuries, including loss of life in severe cases. While drivers must respect pedestrians and follow traffic laws at all times to prevent crashes, it...
Pedestrian accidents and lighting
It is essential to understand the risks that pedestrians face, whether you drive or walk near traffic. When accidents occur, the likelihood of pedestrians suffering serious injuries or losing their lives is particularly high. Recognizing pedestrian accident risk...
Do pedestrians automatically have the right of way?
The cars, trucks and SUVs you encounter every day likely weigh between 3,000 and 6,000 pounds. By contrast, according to Gallup, the average American adult weighs only 181 pounds. As such, it is not difficult to see how automobile-pedestrian crashes are much harder on...
How can drivers and pedestrians work together to reduce accidents?
Anyone on or near a roadway has to be alert and aware to avoid accidents. The California Office of Traffic Safety explains both drivers and pedestrians have to work together to ensure safety. Pedestrians are at the most risk in a crash of serious injury or death. But...
How can distracted driving lead to hurt pedestrians?
When you are walking along on your way to your next destination, you may not expect to suddenly have a car swerve into your path. This kind of reckless driving can leave you with serious injuries, such as spinal cord and brain trauma. When dealing with distracted...
What accounts for the alarming increase in pedestrian deaths?
If it seems to you that walking has become a dangerous mode of transportation, you are right. It has. As a pedestrian, you face a greater risk than ever before of being hit by vehicles that fail to give you the right-of-way to which the law entitles you. According to...
According to regulators, pedestrian safety is no laughing matter
As electric vehicles become increasingly popular in California and across the country, there is much to celebrate. After all, these cars, trucks and SUVs tend to be significantly better for the environment than traditional vehicles. Still, because electric cars also...
Pedestrian safety tips for parents and kids
As a parent, you probably worry about a collision between your children and a motor vehicle while they are walking between home and school or another destination. You can help keep them safe by not only teaching traffic rules to your children but modeling pedestrian...
How do police officers find hit-and-run drivers?
In California, pedestrians in crosswalks typically have the right of way. Drivers, of course, do not always respect this right. According to reporting from ABC News, a Los Angeles man almost died recently when a hit-and-run driver allegedly ignored his right of way...