Even if you drive a comparatively new vehicle, your car, truck or SUV may have serious mechanical issues. You may not know about these issues as quickly as you would like, though. In fact, according to Study Finds, 61% of drivers claim others notice their car problems...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
What vehicles have the highest rollover risk?
If you are in a motor vehicle accident, you are likely to be thankful for your car's many safety features. These, which include your seat belt and airbags, just may save your life. Still, if you have a rollover accident, your chances of dying or suffering a...
Can you trust your car’s seats to remain upright during a crash?
If you are a parent, you probably already know how dangerous your car can be for the young ones in your family. After all, according to reporting from U.S. News and World Report, motor vehicle accidents account for roughly 20% of all child fatalities in the country....
Should you watch a street race?
Santa Ana has some of the more beautiful stretches of roadway in the country. Many residents of the area also drive flashy vehicles. Consequently, if you are an automotive enthusiast, you may love to watch amateur drivers show off their cars, trucks and SUVs. Street...
How common are school bus crashes?
Each school year, children travel to and from school on district buses, but few parents and caregivers ever imagine that the bus their children ride on may experience a crash. The National Safety Council reports that over the last decade, more than 30% of those...
What are possible signs of nerve damage?
Getting into an auto accident can inflict different kinds of injuries. While some injuries are obvious at the scene of the crash, sometimes it takes a while for signs of a serious injury to show themselves. If you start experiencing twitching or muscle weakness, your...
Is the driver or owner liable in a commercial vehicle accident?
If you are involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle, the situation involving insurance and liability can become confusing. There may be more than one responsible party, but it highly depends on the details of the situation. The California Vehicle Code says an...
Pedestrian safety tips for parents and kids
As a parent, you probably worry about a collision between your children and a motor vehicle while they are walking between home and school or another destination. You can help keep them safe by not only teaching traffic rules to your children but modeling pedestrian...
Can you recover compensation even if you were at fault?
If you were recently involved in a California motor vehicle and/or pedestrian accident, and if you were most at fault for the accident, you may wonder if you can still recover compensation via a personal injury claim. In most cases, the answer is yes. According to...
How do police officers find hit-and-run drivers?
In California, pedestrians in crosswalks typically have the right of way. Drivers, of course, do not always respect this right. According to reporting from ABC News, a Los Angeles man almost died recently when a hit-and-run driver allegedly ignored his right of way...